Knowledge is power
In a guest column in The Independent titled 'Illegal immigration a grave threat to the United States', Deputy Mayor Gerry Scharfenberger enlightens the rest of us: "Gang activity and violence among illegal immigrants is also reaching crisis proportions. Some of the most notorious gangs of illegal immigrants and their progeny include SOK (Still Out Killing), HTO (Hispanics Taking Over), and JMC (Just Mobbing Crazy), to name a few."
Gosh, where would we all be without the jingoist, Christmas-saving superpowers of Gerry Scharfenberger? Why, our kids might grow up not properly fearing brown people. [/end sarcasm]
I never thought I'd be saying this, but can we go back to the time when Peter Carton could actually shut his half-wit lackeys up?
I'm not of the wide-open-borders contingent, I'm just of the being-a-municipal-officeholder-does-not-qualify-you-as-an-immigration-expert (unless you're Anna Little) set. Please, please, please work on the issues that are actually relevant to your office, not pet peeves like trans fats, over-stuffed geese or illegal immigration.